Burned with Fire & Built with Fire: Nachamu 5784

Burned with Fire & Built with Fire: Nachamu 5784

One of the most inspiring chats that I’m on is the Israel Good News Chat which shares only good news out of Israel during the war. As I was sitting on Tisha B’Av, contemplating the destruction of the Beis HaMikdash,  I recalled a post that I would like to share from...
A Kinna for October 7th/ Devarim/Chazon 5784

A Kinna for October 7th/ Devarim/Chazon 5784

Mi YIten Roshi Mayim…Would that my head were water and my eyes a fountain of flowing tears. That I would spend all my days and nights weeping for the slaughtered children and infants and elder of our congregation…for the young girls, a sweet children wrapped in their...
When They Breached Our Walls: Mattos-Maase 5784

When They Breached Our Walls: Mattos-Maase 5784

This meme really struck home for me when I saw as we were observing the fast day of the 17th of Tammuz, last week. The Meme begins by pointing out that 17 is a combination of 10 and 7- Oct 7th. And then it drives home the central reason why we fast on the 17th of...